Wednesday, April 29, 2015



In this chapter I reflected in the  way we used to evaluate our students, and how this process goes along nowadays. However, feedback is not often use to correct students at the moment. Principally, because of time and generally because in schools  there are too much studentsin each classroom  and the teacher cannot personalize her or his feedback.

Assessment is integrated within the learning process. Here the teacher gives formative feedback for the purposes of fostering improvement in all the skills. Students have multiple opportunities to assess themselves and their peers (E.g. self-assessment and peer-assessment). With these two techniques students could learn from their mistakes and then demonstrate mastery of language.

As teacher I could say that we must have a purpose to evaluate and assess our students. A test with clear objectives and testing what we have taught would have good results.  Being aware of the process that evaluation involves may help all teachers to provide useful feedback and provide students tips for improving their learning process.


Weimer, M. (2013). Learner-Centered Teaching : Five Key Changes to Practice (2nd Edition). Somerset, NJ, USA: John Wiley & Sons. Retrieved from


                                                 THE ROLE OF THE TEACHER

The role of a teacher is to create in the classroom an environment that could integrate different kinds of learning styles. A teacher would take different roles from one activity to another and must teach with methods and assessment consistently. What I mean with that is that teacher must go in a systematically order from the most simple until reach certain level of difficulty. A teacher must be clever and use multiple teaching techniques appropriate for students learning goals by design activities in which students interact with the material, the teacher and each other.  It also would motivate intrinsically students to learn. There are seven principles to help the teacher to create a pupil adjusted class.

1.  Teachers do learning tasks less.
Assign to students some of the tasks organizing the content, giving examples, summarizing, etc.
 2.  Teachers do less telling; students do more discovering.

Let students discover information in assigned readings without presenting it first or summarizing it later.
3.  Teachers do more design work.

To motivate engagement in the course content by doing the work of practitioners in the discipline.

4.   Faculty do more modeling.

Revealing and modeling your thinking process to your students could follow. Show them drafts of your articles, notes, etc.
5.  Faculty do more to get students learning from and with each other.

Create tasks activities for small groups to do in class.

6.  Faculty work to create climates for learning.

The teacher should promote interaction, autonomy, and responsibility
7.  Faculty do more with feedback.

 The teacher should give frequent feedback.

          In this chapter is explain clearly the role of a teacher. We as teacher must take in to account that we develop our pupil’s skills. To reach that improvement we as teachers must use supplementary materials as well as methodology.  Cooperative learning is also useful because it said that pupils may learn by each other. 


Weimer, M. (2013). Learner-Centered Teaching : Five Key Changes to Practice (2nd Edition). Somerset, NJ, USA: John Wiley & Sons. Retrieved from

Monday, April 27, 2015


Speaking is a productive skill. This is the part where you apply everything you have read, listen and write. When you speak you apply grammar, intonation, vocabulary, functions, etc.  We use all these to convey a meaning. This skill is the most important for English learners. Because them want to master it as soon they could.

Speaking happens in real time when we speak we interact each other in order to convey a message. However, applying grammar and vocabulary knowledge are not enough we also should take into account body language (e.g. gestures, eye contact, facial expressions, etc.)These have the power to emphasize a message we want to convey.

In order to teach speaking I would select drills for teaching the pronunciation of words. Later I would make my students practice through asking questions, interviews and role plays. That activities will help my students to master speaking skills. The practice of writing, listening and reading can improve our speaking skill.

Some pieces of advice to master speaking skill


Nal, E. (2014). Instructors' Attitudes&Practices on Assessing English Speaking Skill Assessing English Speaking Skill (1. Aufl. ed.). Saarbrücken: LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing.

Hall, D., & Foley, M. (1987). Skill of speaking. Walton-on-Thames, Surrey, Eng.: Nelson.


In Unit number 7 we review about listening. It is a receptive skill that involves responding to the language rather than producing it. Personally for me  this is the most difficult part of learning English. However, for English learners in general and specially to those who have Musical intelligence it  would be easier than reading, speaking or writing. We as teachers must be aware of it to take advantage and success in the learning process. According to my professional experience I could said that the majority of the students prefer tasks that includes listening  activities (e.g.listening to music, conversations,etc.) rather than reading or writing.

 To carry out listening activities we have to take into account that listening is a process that involves understanding while the listening track is played. Sometimes it is quite difficult because there are linking sounds and words that are used with reduced forms that may confuse the listener.

Being a good listener would help you to become a good speaker. Listening is not only to understand when someone talk to you. But also would help you to use correct intonation, stress patterns, and communicate easily. Then you will become fluent and accurate in English language.  

This viedo will provide us some tips for improve our listening skills.


For you further reading

Allen, M. (1995). Listening: The forgotten skill (2nd ed.). New York: John Wiley & Sons.

Thomas, E. (1972). Teaching music appreciation through listening skill training. West Nyack, N.Y.: Parker Pub.

Sunday, April 26, 2015


In Unit 6, writing was the topic that we review. This is a productive skill through it we produce language also it is said that Writing is the visual representation of a language. Writing is an integrate skill because we have to read and write at the same time. However, to master this skill the writer must know about grammar rules, punctuation, and sentence structure. In addition, it is also necessary to know vocabulary and correct spelling of English words.

There are two mean writing subskills accuracy and communicating a message. Accuracy involves the correct use of language. Also it includes correct spelling, writing legible and correct punctuation. Furthermore, when we write we must take into account the features typical of each type of writing in order to use appropriate functions and cohesive devices. The stages of writing are drafting, editing, proofreading and re-drafting. This stages form part of the process of writing through it we could write correctly and improve the quality of your writing project.

To teach writing me as a teacher could start writing simple tasks and then we could go to more complex ones the teacher must be a guide for students through this process.  In order to master this skill I could recommend to practice a lot. 

This video will provide us some tips to improve our writing skill.


McCarter, S., & Whitby, N. (2007). Writing skills. Oxford: Macmillan Education.

Byrne, D. (1979). Teaching writing skills. London: Longman.


In Unit 5, I learned a little bit more about Reading. This is a receptive skill through it we receive information. For me reading is not difficult as listening. To be a good reader we must know about reading subskills or reading strategies, and those are Scanning, skimming and reading for detail.  But what each of those terms mean?
First, I understood that scanning is when we read for specific information while skimming is reading for the main Idea, and reading for detail is when we look for something in special for example dates, names, and etc.
Also, there are two types of reading Intensive and extensive. I understood that Intensive reading is reading for a particular interest or because we need to know the information that the text contains. While extensive reading is done individually for the purpose of enjoyment.

As a teacher I could said that teaching reading would be the principal skill to work with my students. Because through it I could teach them vocabulary, grammar structures and develop their critical thinking.  Reading is also a tool to students to learn how a text is structured and applied it in a writing task.


For you further reading:

Grellet, F. (1983). Developing reading skills: A practical guide to reading comprehension exercises. Cambridge [Cambridgeshire: Cambridge University Press.

Greenall, S., & Swan, M. (1986). Effective reading: Reading skills for advanced students. Cambridge [Cambridgeshire: Cambridge University Press

Wednesday, April 22, 2015


In this unit I learned that a functions are everything we write or I could said that function is the purpose why we communicate. The language we use to express a function is called exponents. We use a –ing forms of verbs (e.g. greeting, inviting…) which express different levels of formality, there are two levels first formal language which is used in more official and important situations and informal language which often happens in relaxed situations, it occur when people know each other well and it is called colloquial (very casual) or neutral (neither great respect nor too much casualness). Furthermore, people usually choose to use the level of formality that suits a situation, this is called appropriacy that is using correct vocabulary and expressions in a situation, when something is inappropriate (unsuitable) it is not according of the situation  and appropriate(suitable) when we use the expected language.

As a conclusion, I could said that functions must be teach to language learners communicatively. Trough role-playing, debates, interviews, business dialogs, etc. Because students will be aware which vocabulary is appropriate in each situation making it meaningful for them.

Watch te video below  for a better undertsanding.



In this unit we review about Phonlogy. I could define Phonology as the study of sounds. However, it is not only about sounds, it also has some features that include phonemes, word stress, sentence stress and intonation. But, Why is important to know about phonology?  As an English teacher is very important because we must know the correct pronunciation of words while we are teaching.
How phonemes are represented in order to know how to pronounce correctly. Complete awareness of stress patterns for words (e. g. record as a verb is stress in the first syllable and as a noun it is stress in the second syllable) and also for sentences because the stress may change the meaning of what we said to convey a correcte meaning we have to follow certain rhythm. For example:

Teachers have to teach their students to recognize stress patters, phonetic symbols in order to reach fluency and accuracy. For my own experience I could said that phonology is important at the moment of teaching a language not only to be understand but also to communicate the right meaning.

watch the video bellow for more information about Phonology


 For further reading

Roach, P. (2000). English phonetics and phonology: A practical course (3rd ed.). Cambridge, U.K.: Cambridge University Press.

Ewen, C. (1988). Phonology. Cambridge [Cambridgeshire: Cambridge University Press.

Monday, April 20, 2015


In Unit 2, I learned about Lexis.  First of all, for me lexis are words or set of words which have a specific meaning.  I would point out the most important kinds for me. First, denotation meaning is the meaning that describes the thing or idea behind the vocabulary item (e.g. Flower = vocabulary item /denotation meaning of this example is a red rose with a green stem) while the connotation meaning is what the denotation meaning represents (e.g. Flower = vocabulary item / connotation meaning it is a symbol of love).

I analyzed that other kinds of meaning come from some vocabulary items form (e.g. Affixes and compounds). Likewise we have idioms those are fixed expressions that cannot be traduce literally into another language.  Additionally we have chunks those are phrases usually learn as a one piece (e.g. Nice to meet you). Furthermore, I learned what are false friends, those are words  that have a similar spelling in two languages but do not have the same meaning.I reflected deeply about this case  as a language learner  is  commomly though that a word written in the same form  in our first language and means the same when learning second language (e.g. nose= naris in English/ nose=no saber in Spanish) I have realized that something similar to this happens in a language and it is called Homophones. Homophones are the words of a same language with the same pronunciation but with a different meaning or spelling (e.g. peace and piece).All these kind of meanings we have to know in order to be competence in a language. I consider that learning a language is mastering its lexis.

As a conclusion I could said that learning lexis is very important for a language learner, because that lexis is going to be useful for conveying correct meanings in written or spoken way. We as future teachers must be sure students know very well the special case of false friends, because they tend to misunderstand meanings . So we may point out that kind of cases and explain it very well.

This video will explain more about Lexis.


For your  further reading:

Arnaud, P. (1992). Vocabulary and applied linguistics. Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire: Macmillan.

Nation, I. (2001). Learning vocabulary in another language. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.


In Unit 1, I learned about Grammar and Its key concepts. When I hear or see the word Grammar immediately comes to my mind thousands of rules, structures, tenses, parts of speech, etc. But what is grammar? According to what I have learned, Grammar  is the way how we use ,combine, change and organize parts of speech, words  of groups of words to have a meaning.

 I learned some of the key concepts of grammar such as grammatical forms and grammatical structure. We use the term grammatical forms to refer to the way we organize words (subject + verb + object) and grammatical structures is the term we use to refer to the structures such passive voice, contrast clause, present simple, etc. Furthermore, I realized that there are nine parts of speech in English language such nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, determiners, prepositions, pronouns, conjunctions and exclamations. A part of speech or word clase defines how a word act in a sentence.

Also I differentiated between the terms prefixes and suffixes both words are part of affixation that mean to add letters at the end or beginning of a base word to have a different meaning. Prefixes are letters added at the beginning of a base word (e.g. misunderstand) besides suffixes are letters added at the end of the word (e.g. useless). Finally, I analyzed what are the grammatical uses. Those refers to the structure used to convey a meaning, a meaning that comes from the context of a grammatical use.

To sum up, I think that grammar must be teach according to students necessities. What I mean with that is to teach the needed grammar for a certain purpose using simple rules and explanations to make students understand. Sometimes grammar structures are taugh with out being aware if students could use such structure to covey a message in L2. 

 For  a better explanation watch the video below



Lily, W., & Colet, J. (1945). A shorte introduction of grammar,. New York: Scholars' facsimiles & reprints.

Teaching Grammar Communicatively [Motion picture on DVD]. (2012). Cambridge University Press ELT.